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A word from the President



Dear Colleagues,

I am honoured to serve as the EAA's President for 2022-2024, and delighted to keep our association an intellectual home for all who seek to study various aspects of human biological variation and evolution.
As part of our statutory mission to continuously increase the presence of EAA at European and worldwide level, and to make the EAA the strongest proponent for our disciplines, we are deeply committed to make EAA more visible, to improve communication and relationship between EAA and national societies, to motivate and support young scholars to engage in research on human biology and evolution, and to promote our scientific achievements within the academics, researchers, communities and other fora.
Despite these general ideas, to be effective, we must continue to keep our membership numbers high. The future of our discipline is now in hands of our younger colleagues, Early Career Researchers (ERS), to whom we pass the baton in the relay of generations.
With focus on ECRs we have created an educational activity entitled 'The Four Seasons School in Biological Anthropology' (4SSBA). This activity aims at providing significant gains in knowledge of research methods and critical thinking skills crucial for research choices and problem-solving abilities. The 4SSBA attendees will be tutored and advised by senior scientists during webinars held at least once per quarter.
Looking ahead to the future, plans are developing. The preparation for the biennial 23rd EAA conference in Croatia 2024 are in full progress. Just as Vilnius 2022, the 2024 conference will be a joint meeting organized together with ISGA colleagues. We will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the EAA in Budapest during our 24th Biennial Conference held by our Hungarian colleagues.
Facing with threat posed to humanity by the immediate consequences of Russia's aggression in Ukraine, climate change, the social and economic fallout of COVID-19, biological anthropology, a major bridge between the theoretical foundations of human biology and the complexities of human behavioural and cultural variation, must get ever better at clarifying why we are and should remain an indispensable public good.

Professor Maria Kaczmarek


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